The MangMap platform is open for its inauguration in Demo mode on 5 experimental sites:
The latter site (French Guiana) is a very complex site due to recurrent and heavy cloud coverages. Historically, the MangMap team has been involved in French Guiana, where other teams (IRD, University, CNRS) are working on mangrove knowledge and monitoring. Ongoing R&D efforts are being made to propose other methods and products useful for monitoring the mangroves of French Guiana; MangMap hopes to bring them to the Platform when they have reached maturity.
The plan to integrate new study sites into the platform is gradual and initially concerns the 16 pilot sites listed below.
For every new study site added to MangMap, a News item will inform the community of the extension of the platform's geographical perimeter.
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Number of tiles: [[site.tiles_nb]]
Coastal coverage: [[site.coastline_coverage]]
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Number of tiles: [[site.tiles_nb]]
Coastal coverage: [[site.coastline_coverage]]