After conexion, this service enables endusers to generate an indicator of potential anomalies in the time series for the spectral index of their choice, in one or more polygons of their choice.
The enduser can :
- Enter the polygon of his/her choice in which to perform the calculation
- Choose a time period
- Select the spectral index or temporal composite of his/her choice to calculate date-to-date differences
- Digitize a polygon on screen
- Activate the "Temporal difference" function
- Select an index or a temporal composite with the desired periodicity
- Select a start date and an end date
- Run the calculation
As a result, this MangMap service offers:
On-screen display of the resulting raster image: differences between the indexes at the two selected dates
Val_pix = (Val_pix_end of period) - (Val_pix_start of period)
Download the resulting raster image (png)